16 Weeks Transformation Plan

If you have more than 20lbs to lose then this is a great choice for you!
find out what your ideal weight is here
My online coaching program is an effective bespoke program.
All training plans are written by me for you. I take pride in not using app’s that randomly create your nutrition and training schedule's. I work from the answers you have given me on your lifestyle questionnaire.
Suitable for
Worldwide Clients
Weight & Fat loss
Weight Maintenance
Muscle Gain
Your Bespoke Fitness Training Schedule
Bespoke Weight/resistance training workouts
Home workouts if required
Bespoke cardio workouts -if necessary
Workouts to train 5 days a week
What days to train, what days to rest.
How many repetitions to perform per exercise, how many sets to perform, how long to rest.
Coaching pictures, video links on how to perform each exercise in your plan.
Your Bespoke Nutrition Plan
You will be required to send me a detailed food diary included in your lifestyle questionnaire.
NO crash diets
Grocery shopping list
Different food options list
You will receive recommendations on supplements that can be of benefit to your progress. All supplements recommended can be purchased at any high street pharmacy or from online companies such as Amazon/EBay.
I will write a bespoke meal plan for you that if followed will enable you to reach your goals. However whilst many think a meal plan is the way for them to stay on track, my experience has shown me that 99% of people will not stick to a rigid plan for longer than 1-2 weeks and that is understandable. Life is not rigid, work schedules change, lifestyles change and nutrition must therefore be flexible to suit YOUR LIFESTYLE. So as well as writing you a bespoke meal plan, I will also provide you with your specific macronutrients (macros) to teach you to create your own meal plans, eating the foods you want daily whilst adhering to the macros I have worked out for you. Don't worry if you have no experiencing using such apps, I will send you over video links to help you with this. I have you covered!
I personally ensure you are performing your exercises correctly and safely.
You will be required to send me via Whats App ( a free app) video clips of you performing the exercises on your training program, this ensures you are performing the exercises correctly and safely.
I will the send you feedback and coaching tips.
All video clips remain 100% confidential, no-one else will ever see any of the video clips you send to me, unless of course you show them.
You will be required to send in weekly updated measurements
You will be required to send in weekly updated progress pictures.
The 16 weeks Transformation Plan will be a bespoke fitness training and nutrition plan that will be based on the
information you supply me within the detailed lifestyle questionnaire's you will receive.
All results are varied and based on each individual client. Those clients who are fully committed and follow the program to the letter will achieve the greatest results. The results achieved in 16 weeks will vary from individual to individual.
The following are included in the 16 weeks Transformation Plan.
Ongoing contact with me via email/text
Ongoing support from me
Weekly Check-ins with your updated measurements & pictures
Coaching technique accountability-I ensure you are performing exercises correctly!
Updates to your nutrition protocol as needed
Updates to your training schedule every 4 weeks or as needed
Online coaching requires dedication, discipline and determination from YOU
YOU have to 'show up' to train
YOU have to follow the nutrition guidance given EVERY DAY
YOU have to want to transform your body more than I want you to
YOU have to be honest with yourself and me if you have not followed the program
YOU have to understand that 99.9% of the work YOU have to put in
YOU have to truly want to take action and not simply talk about taking action
I can and WILL support you but I will be honest with you every step of the way
I will not be your 'cheerleader'. If tough love is required, then tough love is what I will give you
I want YOU to succeed and to eventually not need me
Ready to get started?
I want to work only with clients who are serious and truly ready to commit to the process and I want to ensure that we are a good match. This is vital with online coaching.
Therefore please complete the application form and I will be back in contact with you, with you.